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The Euler-Lagrange equation and minimizers in elastostatics
Existence of optimal maps in the Monge-Kantorovich transport problem
Time-reversed acoustics
Trajectory and global attractors for evolutionary equations
Homoclinic bifurcations of surface diffeomorphisms
Efficient animation of natural scenes for computer graphics
Multiscale modeling and computation of incompressible flows
Return method and flow control
On the well-posedness of several problems in computer vision
Time-reversal, imaging and communications in random media
Nonlinear equations in random media
Bifurcations and pattern formation in the atmosphere and oceans
Duality techniques in error control and optimization for PDEs
A probabilistic model of congestion control in the Internet
Critical thresholds in restricted Euler dynamics
Conditional expectations and the renormalization group
Large deviations, variational formulas and nonlinear equations
Fully nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations:
theory and applications
H theorem and convergence to equilibrium
for solutions of the Boltzmann equation
Controllability of some partial differential equations
Mathematical questions along the flow of a river
Reduced-basis output bounds: reliable real-time solution
of parametrized partial differential equations
PDE methods for weak KAM theory
From the ocean to Jupiter to the truncated Burgers-Hopf equation:
novel applications and mathematical issues for statistical mechanics
Mathematical aspects of the chimera methods
On the distance function to the boundary, cut locus
and some Hamilton-Jacobi equations
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